Lollipop File Manager is a new great and simple file explorer ready for Android Lollipop!
It's respect Material Design specification to offert a great user experience.
The application is ready for smartphones, 7" to 10" tablets
Try it, you will love it!
Lollipop File Manager is really young and maybe some bugs are not yet detected and solved.
Please, be clement and send me emails if you have questions, remarks or want to request features!
The superuser permission is asked because Lollipop File Manager deal also with rooted devices (beta)!
To help to traduce:
Lollipop File Manager adalah besar dan sederhana file explorer baru siap Android Lollipop!
Ini menghormati Desain Material spesifikasi untuk offert pengalaman pengguna yang luar biasa.
Aplikasi siap untuk smartphone, 7 "sampai 10" tablet
Mencobanya, Anda akan menyukainya!
Lollipop File Manager benar-benar muda dan mungkin beberapa bug yang belum terdeteksi dan diselesaikan.
Tolong, Klemens dan mengirim saya email jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, komentar atau ingin meminta fitur!
Izin superuser diminta karena manajer Lollipop Berkas kesepakatan juga dengan perangkat berakar (beta)!
Untuk membantu mengumpat:
Lollipop File Manager is a new great and simple file explorer ready for Android Lollipop!
It's respect Material Design specification to offert a great user experience.
The application is ready for smartphones, 7" to 10" tablets
Try it, you will love it!
Lollipop File Manager is really young and maybe some bugs are not yet detected and solved.
Please, be clement and send me emails if you have questions, remarks or want to request features!
The superuser permission is asked because Lollipop File Manager deal also with rooted devices (beta)!
To help to traduce: